Monday, August 4, 2008

Crypto Eateries

My fellow fans of Don't Rest Your Head, go read this article from the Onion. I have to use this in my DRYH game with the wife, even if for no other reason than to be able to say the ridoculous* phrase "Crypto Eateries" during a game.

I'm imagining some sort of Mongolian Grill that houses a Lovecraftian cult in its basement. Or perhaps a Brazilian Churrascaria appearing during Carnivale, and which kidnaps in tourists to feed the feathered dragon which lives in the back alley, disguised as a parade float.

*ridoculous: too wild even to be considered ridiculous.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Levi Kornelsen and I have posted an article on his website, Amagi Games. Flashback is a little idea I had earlier this summer for running horror and tragedy games without worrying about player elimination. Levi was kind enough to help me get into a more presentable condition. Go check it out, and let me know what you think.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Amagi Games

Go check out Amagi Games if you haven't already. I've been gleefully hoarding these articles since the site first came across my radar. Which makes me wonder, does the size of your free PDF collection prove how long you've been gaming? Over the years, I've developed quite a little stash of free gaming products.
Maybe that doesn't prove I've been a gamer for years, maybe it just proves I've been a pack rat. My wife and I joke around over who has more hobby-related junk stuffed in our closets. She's an artist and I'm a book nerd. I like to tell her that her stuff takes up more space, while she tells me that my stuff is heavier.
But one great thing about a PDF, my friends, is that it won't fill up your closet! So treat yourself and go get something for free from Amagi Games.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Time is Near

The Alpha Playtest Version will be ready this week! I'm going through one last edit before I release it, but I'm starting the call for playtesters. If you would like to read the book and give me your initial feedback, please email me. (If you go one step further and playtest a Crossover game, I will attempt to credit your name in future versions of the book.)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Getting started

I've just started asking people to be alpha playtesters once I put a playable draft together. I also sat down and wrote out all my deadlines between now and publishing. The dates will change, of course, but it's helpful for me to see each step I have to complete.