Monday, January 24, 2011

Plot Types Part Four

Epic Quest

The Epic Quest is the most well known plot type among gamers. The hero discovers a great evil, receives the call to stop it, and travels a great distance through harsh trials to meet his goal. (Perhaps one reason this story transfers well into a game is the ease with which it can incorporate allies for the hero. In fiction, this plot type is the one in which the main character is most likely to have traveling companions who are fully developed characters.)
Examples: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars: A New Hope

1. The Call

Life in some “City of Destruction” has become oppressive, and the hero realizes only he can fix things by making a long, difficult journey. He is given supernatural/visionary direction toward his destination.

2. The Journey

Hero and his companions cross hostile terrain and overcome ordeals, each ending in a thrilling escape. Ordeals alternate with periods of rest and recovery, when hero receives help and advice.

3. Arrival and Frustration

Hero arrives at his goal, but sees a new and terrible series of ordeals/obstacle that must be overcome before he can secure his goal.

4. The Final Ordeals

The hero must go through a last series of tests (often 3) to prove he is worthy. This culminates in the last, great battle/ordeal that may be the most deadly.

5. The Goal

After a last thrilling escape, the hero wins the kingdom, princess, and/or treasure with an assurance of renewed life stretching indefinitely into the future.
Possible Ordeals:

1. Horrific monsters to be overcome

2. Temptations to be resisted

3. Need to travel between two deadly (but different) obstacles

4. Journey through the underworld (hero temporarily transcends the power of death and comes into contact with helpful guiding spirits from the past).

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