Saturday, January 22, 2011

Plot Types Part Three

The next general story type in our series is the rags to riches story. I don't think I've ever seen this story play out in an RPG, but there's no reason it couldn't. Certainly many characters amass a great amount of loot over your typical dungeon crawl, but that is more a side effect of the exploration than a focus on the character's social status.

Tale of Tremendous Wealth
The humble young hero progresses from a state of obscure poverty to one of glory and riches, but not without trouble along the way.
Examples: Great Expectations, Aladdin

1. Initial wretchedness at home and the Call

Hero in lowly and unhappy state (at home) overshadowed by malevolent ‘dark’ figures around them, who scorn/maltreat them. Something causes the hero to be sent out into the world.

2. Out into the world, initial success

Hero is rewarded with first, limited success. May have first encounter with their Princess. Incomplete victory makes clear they aren’t ready for their final state of fulfillment.

3. The Central Crisis

Everything suddenly goes wrong. Hero is separated from what has become most important to him. Hero overwhelmed with despair. Because of the rise and fall, this is the hero’s worst moment.

4. Independence & the Final Ordeal

As they emerge from the crisis, the hero discovers an internal strength in himself, which must be put to the test against a dark figure that stands between the hero and his goal. When the crisis is fully resolved, the hero is able to move ahead.

5. Final Union, completion and fulfillment
The hero’s reward is usually a complete loving union with the Princess. The hero may also gain rulership of some kind of “kingdom,” which isn’t fully explained, but is implied to continue indefinitely into the future.

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